Network Analyzer Guide

This guide shows how to troubleshoot the internet issues on iOS and Android devices using Network Analyzer.


To run the diagnostics, please download and install the Network Analyzer app from the Google Play:

Or from the App Store:

How to use the app

Once the Application installed, please run it and open the Tools tab:

Select the Query type: DNS and the Settings: TXT.

Set the query address: and press the Start button.

This is an example of the correct response:

The first underlined part shows the public IP address of your network.

The second underlined part shows the ID of your filtering policy that can also be found here -


If you haven't added the IP address to the SafeDNS Dashboard, the second underlined number will show “0”.

If the response contains the status message only, it usually means that DNS servers are  not configured on your router or your device.

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