How can we organize remote work and protect data?
During the pandemic remote work has become the most popular format for many companies. It is beneficial in terms of costs and allows to increase performance, but at the same time cyberthreats may outweigh all the advantages.
Which cyberthreats are the most popular when working remotely?
- Phishing.
- Ransomware.
- Viruses.
According to Tessian’s research, almost 40% responders admit that cybersecurity measures they apply at home are much weaker than those they use in the office. Most of the interviewed granted access to corporate devices to family members or did not protect their Wi-Fi.
Only having elevated cybersecurity on corporate devices to a necessary level can company owners be at ease about their staff working remotely. In order to do this they need to install solutions allowing to block potentially malicious websites and recognize malware. It is also important to be protected from phishing attacks and ransomware by protecting email clients.
And the most important thing that most managers fail to remember is constantly educating staff about cybersecurity. Short courses on how to protect data and avoid vulnerabilities when working online will allow to avoid cybercrimes and financial losses.
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