How Can Healthcare Be Protected from Cyberthreats?

How Can Healthcare Be Protected from Cyberthreats?

Each year healthcare industry loses $5.6 bln because of successful cyberattacks. There are data leaks from millions of patients’ clinical records, which leads not only to individual medical facilities but the whole healthcare industry being compromised.

Because of a low level of cybersecurity due to lack to financing, many organizations cannot even reveal hacks in due time, much less prevent them.

In order to access medical information, cybercriminals use ransomware, phishing attacks, encryption blind spots, mistakes of the staff using unsafe passwords or devices without reliable encryption.

How can healthcare organizations increase their cybersecurity?

Here are a few basic rules:

1. Teach each employee how to secure clinical data.

2. Control your staff mobile devices protection.

3. Use anti-virus software.

4. Use content filtering.

5. Do not allow your staff to install different apps and alter software in any way on their own.

6. Provide access to confidential information only to the authorized staff.

7. Only use complex passwords and change them from time to time.

Apart from those measures, implement the most up-to-date solutions able to reliably secure confidential clinical information. Protect your company from financial and reputational losses.

Content filtering based on AI and ML will help solve this problem. It blocks attacks in due time thanks to a dynamically renewing algorithm that reveals cyberthreats.

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