Phishing: cybersecurity's biggest threat

Phishing: cybersecurity's biggest threat

Not every cybersecurity threat is ransomware. Phishing is cybersecurity's biggest threat.
It's one of the most common ways hackers can infiltrate your organization, and it can result in much more than identity theft.

Back in the 4th quarter of 2021, we were looking at a credential-stealing phishing attack on LinkedIn. The phishing email was sent from a compromised university email account and hosted its phishing page on Google Forms. The email claimed that the victims’ LinkedIn account had been suspended due to unusual activity and invited them to verify their account if they wanted to restore access.

This email attack employed the whole gamut of techniques to get past traditional email security filters and play a hoax on unsuspecting victims.

In the end of 2021, in December to be exact, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, filed a lawsuit in a California court against the operators of more than 39,000 phishing sites that have been hosted through the Ngrok service.

According to legal analysts, those lawsuits won’t go anywhere, but the reason for them to exist is that Meta is trying to say they are capable of identifying who is behind the phishing campaigns.

According to cybersecurity specialists, phishing attacks are very likely going to increase by 30%. And they are recommending both individuals and business owners to take all security precautions to decrease the risks of falling victim to one of those attacks.

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