LOG4J Vulnerability & SAFEDNS

LOG4J Vulnerability & SAFEDNS

In the past week, the trend of the IT forums has been the topic of log4j exploit which made many softwares vulnerable to it.Since then, our IT team have been doing over time doing internal tests and auditing our products from the backend to the databases. and we are proudly happy to say that we are not exposed to this exploit of log4j.

We recommend our users to fully review their softwares and check the software vendors to confirm their products are not exposed to this exploit.
Follow the guide to help you with the review. https://www.infoworld.com/article/3644492/how-to-detect-the-log4j-vulnerability-in-your-applications.html
We also recommend our clients to keep the categories related to malicious contents such as malware, botnets, and phishing blocked to avoid malicious content that come as bundle.

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